SPIE wins a historic contract in Denmark

Cergy, August 31st, 2022: SPIE Oil & Gas Services, an international subsidiary of
SPIE, the independent European leader in multi-technical services in the areas of
energy and communications, has just signed a five-year contract for the maintenance
of all of TotalEnergies’ offshore installations off the coast of Denmark, in consortium
with NorSea. This contract will involve between 400 and 500 people.

NorSPIE: a consortium combining expertise and local roots
This contract has a term of five years with an option to renew twice for an additional two years
each time. More than 40 onshore and offshore disciplines will be represented, including
method, preparation and work planning. For the purposes of this contract, SPIE Oil & Gas
Services, which is in charge of installation maintenance, is establishing a presence in
To respond to the tender, SPIE Oil & Gas Services joined forces with NorSea, a Danish
company specialising in equipment logistics and offshore operations support, to form the
NorSPIE consortium. This partnership brings together expertise and local roots, two assets
that made all the difference when it came to winning the contract. Having been a service
partner of TotalEnergies for many years, SPIE Oil & Gas Services has more than 25 years of
experience maintaining highly sensitive offshore installations. NorSea, TotalEnergies’ partner
in the Danish offshore sector, possesses a robust logistical infrastructure in the North Sea and
an in-depth knowledge of the Danish offshore sector.
“We are proud to have won this key contract with TotalEnergies, Denmark’s largest player in
the industry. Indeed, this is the first time that the company has delegated the maintenance of
its installations to a contractor on such a scale; we are in no doubt that the combination of our
respective expertise under the umbrella of the NorSPIE consortium will allow us to meet its
expectations”, enthuses Nicolas Jeanpierre, contract manager at SPIE Oil & Gas Services.
A significant impact in terms of jobs
Within the scope of the contract, around one hundred TotalEnergies staff members will be
integrated into the NorSPIE team, together with the contractors already present in the field.
The SPIE Oil & Gas Services staff members will support the operation’s team, offering profiles
specific to the execution of this type of contract. “We are delighted to welcome TotalEnergies’
teams to NorSPIE: their knowledge of local technical specificities and their skills bring real
added value in an offshore environment such as the North Sea, which is known to be
challenging. We will do our utmost to ensure that their integration is successful,” explains
Claude Ranieri, director of the Europe-North Africa Business Unit at SPIE Oil & Gas Services.
A recruitment campaign is also under way in Denmark to supplement the teams. In total,
between 400 and 500 people will be involved.
With the opening of a subsidiary in Denmark, this contract marks a new stage in the
development of SPIE Oil & Gas Services in Europe. “It is a great success, and all the more so
since it follows on from the other fantastic projects awarded to us by TotalEnergies in recent
months, in Angola for example. This is also our first venture into Scandinavia, not just for SPIE
Oil & Gas Services but also for the SPIE group more generally,” says Christophe Bernhart,
Managing Director of SPIE Oil & Gas Services.
About SPIE Oil & Gas Services
As an international subsidiary of the SPIE group specializing in the energy sector, SPIE Oil & Gas
Services has been working at the heart of energy production infrastructures for several decades,
designing, installing, starting up and maintaining them, while ensuring the best possible conditions in
terms of safety, costs, lead times and quality.
With around 3,100 employees of 60 different nationalities working in 25 countries in Europe, Africa,
Asia-Pacific and the Middle East, SPIE Oil & Gas Services offers its customers from the oil, gas and
renewable energy industries sustainable solutions in the following areas: well delivery & management,
projects, engineering & construction, assessment & competency development, commissioning & start-up, operations, maintenance & asset integrity.

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